
Veterans Memorial Post 347


1st VICE-COMMANDER-Tina Burgess

Year 2025 is off to a great start! It was a busy month for Post 347 with another busy month to follow.

· On February 17th, we will host the Vietnam War Commemoration Welcome Home Ceremony. All veterans who served on active duty between November 1, 1955 and May 15, 1975 are invited for this celebration. The Director of the Vietnam War Commemoration, Maj Gen Edward J. Chrystal, Jr., US Army, along with Col Patrick Cramer, US Army, Chief of the Director’s Action Group, will honor your service with a commemorative pin and Presidential certificate. As part of this ceremony, we will present a slide show of our honored veterans. See me if you want to participate.

· Our 2025 post membership numbers are still going strong! We are at 83.76% of our goal, which means we are close to achieving February’s Membership goal of 85%.

· Let’s continue to do our Buddy Checks and remind our fellow members to renew as soon as possible!

· I would like to thank all members who came out in support of our Veterans Outreach Day on January 10th. Overall, we helped approximately 100 Veterans. We were able to provide a light breakfast and sandwiches and chili for lunch. Thank you, Commander Musser, for approving the food budget and seasoning that delicious chili, as well as Harriett and Rob for helping me serve.

· Please join me in congratulating our February Volunteer of the Month, Dave “DAC” Callies. Along with being an elected SAL Squadron 347 Member at Large, many of us know DAC for the countless hours he  devotes in the kitchen. DAC meticulously inventories and orders all  necessary food and kitchen items for the Sons, ensuring Burger Night, Italian Night, and BINGO Sunday Lunch runs smoothly. Congratulations DAC, you deserve this honor!

· Many of you have expressed appreciation for my new member highlights in the monthly newsletter and I remain eager to share the extraordinary accomplishments from our next new group of members, to include a Marine Military Policemen who served in Afghanistan and is the recipient of the Combat Action Ribbon and the Purple Heart; two Naval battle buddies, one who served as a Naval Aircrew Man and Expeditionary Maritime Security Man, the other served as a Hospital Corpsman; . Both men deployed in support of Operation SPARTAN SHIELD, designed to deter and react to possible threats within the Middle East. Originating in 2011, this Operation covers the area of Egypt to Pakistan and Kazakhstan to Yemen.; an Army Physical Therapist who served in   support of Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR; a Naval E-4 who went on to become an Electrician, an Engineer, a Physicist, and a Physician; an Army E-5 who went on to become a Veterinarian; an Army E-3 who served in the  Women’s Army Corps during Viet Nam; a Marine Corporal Viet Nam Veteran who has 52 years of continuous American Legion Membership with Ohio Post 0614, Hilliard, Ohio; and an Army E-9 who was the 101st Airborne Division’s Command Sergeant Major and was inducted into the Quartermaster’s Army Hall of Fame!

Finally, there is no escaping it! February is the month of LOVE! There’s a lot going on this month at the Post and in one way or another, much of it circles back around to love. So, let’s take care of what we love, whether that be ourselves, our family, fellow Veterans, or our community.


It is hard to believe 2024 is ending and with that, our 2025 renewal season. Currently, Post 347 is at 74 percent of our goal, only 1,800 more membership renewals to go! If you haven’t renewed yet, please do so by visiting our front office Monday-Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. If you know of someone who has not renewed their membership, please encourage them to do so.

So far this renewal season, we have gained 223 traditional new Legion Members. Allow me to explain the significance of this number. Post 347 is in District 6, which is comprised of 26 American Legion Posts. Our new member total is more than the total membership levels of 15 District 6 Posts. We have some extraordinary new members joining us, to include: an Air Force F-4 Weapon Systems Officer and F-16 Fighter Pilot during Operation DESERT Storm; a Coast Guard E-7 Port Security Officer; a Marine E-7 Gulf War Veteran who is the recipient of the Purple Heart and the Combat Action Ribbon; a Coast Guard E-4 Search and Rescue Aircrewman; an Army Air Defense Artillery Officer who served from Vietnam to the Gulf War and is the recipient of the Bronze Star and Master Parachutist Badge; an Air Force E-4 Aircraft Armament Systems Specialist; and a Navy E-4 Underwater Demolition Team member. Please help me make all new members feel welcome. Encourage them to attend Post meetings and functions and encourage them to become involved through volunteering.

Speaking of volunteering, join me in congratulating BJ Allen as our Volunteer of the Month.  BJ has become Harriet’s most dependable volunteer in the kitchen. Most recently, he assisted in preparing our Thanksgiving meal, that served 250 guests.  The Meal was DELICIOUS and took days to prepare! BJ also takes charge in the kitchen for every Tuesday Queen of Hearts meal and graciously substitutes when needed. BJ works quietly and confidently and this recognition is well deserved.

On Friday, January 10, we will be hosting our second Veteran Outreach event, opening our doors to Veterans within our community, offering access to resources for VA benefits, health, networking, and much more. We will host Dr Evans Pemba, Ocala Hears Audiology, the Blood Mobile, Lake Sumter Lions Club Glucose screening, Concierge Care, Florida National Cemetery, Charter Research, Community Engagement and Partnership Coordinator (CEPC) for the Orlando Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, and the Mobile Vet Center. The Villages VA Outpatient Clinic will have experts present for the following areas: Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, MyHealthe Vet, Mental Health, Geriatric Evaluation Program, DAV/VSO, Whole Health, Women’s Health, Blood Pressure Station/2-Day Discharge, Flu Shots, and Social Work w/ focus on the homeless Veteran population. We will also have the Director, Department of Veterans Affairs, Readjustment Counseling Service, Clermont Vet Center and the Visual Impairment Services Team, part of the Blind Rehabilitation Team for the VA.

On Monday, February 17, we will host a Vietnam War Commemoration Welcome Home Ceremony.  We are inviting all veterans who served on active duty between November 1, 1955 and May 15, 1975 to celebrate their service. The Director of the Vietnam War Commemoration, Maj Gen Edward J. Chrystal, Jr., US Army, along with Col Patrick Cramer, US Army, Chief of the Director’s Action Group, will be at our Post to honor your service with a commemorative pin and Presidential certificate. As part of this ceremony, we will present a slide show of our honored veterans, so see me if you want to participate and I’ll make sure your pictures are included.

Rob and I enjoyed celebrating with many of you on New Year’s Eve. It was awesome to see our Legion Family come together. We wish you a year filled with new hopes, new joys, and new beginnings!


It is hard to believe 2024 is coming to a close and with that, so is our 2025 American Legion renewal season. At the time of this writing, Post 347 we have renewed 4,298 out of 6,797 eligible for 64 percent.  Our next membership goal is to be at 75 percent by December 7th. If you haven’t renewed your membership yet, please do so by visiting our front office Monday-Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. If you know of someone who has not renewed their membership, please encourage them to do so.

We are planning our second Veterans Outreach for January 10th, 2025.  We will have representatives from the VA Villages Outpatient Clinic and the Orlando Veterans Affairs Medical Center. We will also have representatives from Charter Research, Audiologist  Dr. Evans Pemba, Lion’s Glucose Screening, and the Blood Mobile.

I know this next event may seem like a long way out, but we are hoping for maximum participation from our Vietnam Era Veterans.  A Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony will be held at the Post on Monday, February 17th at 10am. As this five year program nears its end, the organizers are hoping to go out with a bang at the Largest American Legion Post in the World! The Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin will be presented to living US Veterans who served on active duty in the US Armed Forces at any time during the period of November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, regardless of location. We are hoping for 250 participants!  Additionally, the Department of Defense will be presenting Certificates of Honor to Surviving Spouses of a Vietnam Veteran.  If you are interested in receiving recognition, please see me.

As Always, please help me welcome our newest members to include: an Army E-5 who served from 2016-2022 and was born in 1998; a Navy Officer who flew Airborne Early Warning Missions in Viet Vietnam; a Navy E-4 who is transferring to us from PA Post 1001 (the same Post Commander Musser played Legion Baseball for in his youth); an Army CW4 UH-60 Helicopter Pilot and recipient of the Bronze Star and Air Meda,l transferring from Bartow, Florida Post 0003; a Navy E-6 who served as a Submarine Carry-on Equipment Maintenance Technician and recipient of the Navy Artic Service Ribbon; an Air Force B-1 Pilot; and an Army Combat Engineer and recipient of the Bronze Star and saw combat in Vietnam and Iraq!

As we begin December, Rob and I hope this holiday season brings peace and joy for you and your family that will last throughout the coming year.

December 2024

As we enter the busiest month of the year for Legion activities, please help me congratulate Kathy Liguori as our Volunteer of the Month for November. Many of us are very fortunate to be at the receiving end of Kathy’s volunteer positions. She serves us meals, greets us at the Membership Desk, renews and laminates membership cards, and if you’re lucky enough, Kathy will sell you the winning Queen of Hearts ticket. We appreciate all you do Kathy!  Your impact on the success of our endeavors has been steadfast and reliable. This recognition is well deserved.

Our 2025 new memberships and renewals are going strong. To date, our Post has over 3,500 members renewed, representing over 52 percent of our total. I feel the need to put this number into perspective from a District 6 level. There are 26 American Legion Posts in District 6. To date, Post 347 has 3,560 members paid for 2025 and District 6 has 6,440 paid in total. This shows that WE account for 55 percent of District 6! Your Membership Team is working hard every day to reach 100 percent! The Early Bird renewal period ends on November 11th. Please pay your dues if you haven’t done so already and remind your family and friends to do the same. By renewing before November 11th, you are eligible to attend our Early Bird dinner, a delicious spaghetti and meatball dinner prepared by our fabulous Auxiliary members. The dinner is planned for December 1. You can guarantee your spot at the table by visiting the front office from 0900-1600 beginning Monday, November 1st.

Please join me in welcoming the newest members to our American Legion Family. As always, it is an amazing group that includes: an Army Korean War Veteran joining us from New York Post 0001 who has 31 years of continuous American Legion membership; a 27-year career Air Force Chief Master Sergeant who was a Medical Laboratory Chief Enlisted Manager and Medical Laboratory Superintendent; an Army Military Intelligence Specialist who served during the Korean War; an Air Force E-6 who served over 20 years as an Aerospace Propulsion (Jet Engine) Craftsman, an Air Force Advanced Weather Officer, a female Naval Pilot whose career began during the Lebanon/Grenda operations era and culminated during the Gulf War, and an Air Force Sergeant who was a Security Police Sentry Dog Handler. At the time of this writing, we have 25 new members and of note, ten of our newest members began their military careers in the early 1980s. We like when they join young!

This year’s Veterans Day observance ceremony will be a little different than years past. The Commander and I will “Celebrate You” with a slide show, showing a picture of you while on active duty accompanied by a more current picture. If you would like to participate, simply email me your pictures to alpost347@comcast.net.  Be sure to include branch of service, military job, and year/location picture was taken.

Rob and I would like to wish all Post 347 family members a Happy Thanksgiving! We are grateful for your friendship!


Welcome Fall, my favorite time of year!  Rob and I just got back from attending our FIRST American Legion National Convention.  My focus during the convention was Membership and I had some eye-opening experiences!  We all know we are the Largest Membership Legion in the World.  Let me add a little perspective.  Veterans Memorial Post 347 has more Veteran Members than the entire individual state totals for Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wyoming! 

I am pleased to share that Veterans Memorial Post 347 played a major role in The Department of Florida receiving special recognition at the National Convention for achieving 100 percent membership renewal for the first time in twenty years!  We hope to continue this trend.  As of August 29th, our renewal rate is 40 percent (2,743 members renewed out of 6797).  Our First Goal date is fast approaching: to be at 50 percent renewal before September 11!  With your help, I am sure we can make it!  If you haven’t renewed for the 2025 Legion year, please do so as soon as possible.  It is best to come into the office.  Within five minutes, you will be leaving with your new card.  Ask your friends to renew if they haven’t done so.

Just to emphasize the importance of doing new member applications or transfers in person, I also learned the following:  If a person wants to join a specific Post, they must fill out an application and give/mail it to that particular Post.  If they go online to join, it will automatically put them into Florida’s on-line holding Post 400. Additionally, if a person goes to renew online and they have missed a year, they will be put into Post 400 under the current year which is 2024.  They must go to the Post to renew and pay for 2025.  They have the option of paying for the year they missed or just losing their continuous years and paying for 2025.

Now to my favorite part of every newsletter!  Please help me welcome 40 new members to our Post.  We have some amazing comrades joining our family, to include an Army Combat Engineer and Purple Heart recipient from Viet Nam; an Air Force E-7 Cyber Intel Craftsman/Analyst, who was also an Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, an Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman, and an Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman; an Army E-6 Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic who served three combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq and is the recipient of the Bronze Star; a Marine E-7 who was an Electronic Countermeasure Technician; a Naval E-5 Surface Ship Nuclear Propulsion Plant and Reactor Control Operator; an Army Medical Surgical Nurse who earned her M-16 Sharpshooter qualification badge; and an Army Warrant Officer who was a Physicians Assistant during the Viet Nam war and was awarded the Master Parachute Badge, the Combat Medic Badge, and the Combat Infantry Badge.