
Veterans Memorial Post 347



If you are interested in any of the programs below, please click on the Officers and Chairperson Page and contact the chairperson for that committee.  We would love to have your participation and your ideas.

Community Programs Supported by Auxiliary Unit 347

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 347 regularly makes contributions to various community and national organizations and causes.  Our fundraising activities and our annual dues generate the funds which are used to support these worthy local and national organizations and causes.


The Americanism work of the Auxiliary includes all activities that perpetuate American ideals and uphold the principles of American democracy. The security of America lies in a citizenry in whose minds and hearts is ingrained a true understanding of, and love for, those ideals and principles upon which the nation was founded; a citizenry awake to the duties of citizenship and willing to perform these duties, even at the cost of great personal sacrifice. Americanism work is largely educational in character and is usually divided into three phases: work with the youth, the adult, and the community. All matters pertaining to the flag or patriotic education are rightly classified as Americanism activities. The Auxiliary classifies Americanism programs into the following categories:

Patriotic Education
- The Auxiliary has a very definite objective in emphasizing through its Americanism program the teachings of good citizenship.

Five-Point Program
- Home: Revitalizing our personal patriotism.
- Unit: Work done within our Auxiliary Unit.
- Youth Groups: Our work with schools, and with Boy and Girl Scout Troops.
- Adult Groups: Our work with adults to encourage Americanism.
- Community: Our work with local community groups to encourage Americanism.

Cooperative Effort
- Make patriotism a personal matter by selecting and successfully carrying out projects tailored to the needs of our local communities.

Spirit of Youth Fund
- A fund established by the American Legion Auxiliary to support programs for young people.


The Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) is a national grant assistance program that provides temporary emergency help to eligible members of the American Legion Auxiliary who have suffered a significant financial setback as the result of an act of nature or other personal crisis.
The AEF was established in 1969 with a bequest from the estate of Auxiliary member Helen Colby Small of Burlington, Wisconsin. It continues today solely through generous donations from Auxiliary members.
More information about the Auxiliary Emergency Fund can be found at this LINK.


A Cavalcade of Memories is a reflection of what we are all about.  It’s an ongoing collection of Auxiliary memorabilia and cherished memories of the past; items that help tell the story about our Unit’s history throughout the years.  The National Plan of Work sums it up like this: A Cavalcade’s goal is to preserve and share the history of the American Legion Auxiliary.  A Cavalcade’s mission is to collect, help chronicle, and preserve the history of the American Legion Auxiliary by telling the organization’s story through pictures, documents, personal mementos, and other artifacts.


This program is extensive. It is assisting children physically, mentally and emotionally. We give food baskets, provide clothing, and help organizations that are involved with children. We have the obligation to improve conditions for all children. We donate to the three children hospitals, supported in part by the Auxiliary. We purchase Spinoza bears to help the critical, and sometimes terminal, children.
We are a major sponsor of the Lady Lake Little League.


This program encompasses all activities of the community. Any activity that helps even one member of the community is Community Service. Helping your neighbor, your church, and Civic organizations are all included in this program. Anything you do for someone else, not a family member, is Community Service.


This program promotes education of all children and is extended to those Adults who are needy to learn the basics of our society to earn a living. We sponsor “Essay” contests from Elementary through High School, encouraging our children in the skills of writing bringing out their own ideas and expressions. We help supply materials, books and other items to help with their education. We support the teachers and show them our appreciation.


This program is designed for the Junior girls in High School. It is a teaching week of Democracy. They learn about Government, from the Local, to County, to State level. They campaign for office, and after election, take the position in Tallahassee of the office for which they were elected, from page, to Senator, to Governor, to the Supreme Court. These girls are selected by the Unit and sent at no cost to the girls.


This program is for girls of American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary members. It takes in junior girls from age I day to 18 years (when they become Senior members).  The girls do not have to live locally but, hopefully, the Unit can design some program that the girls can be active in at their own homes and communities. Teaching the Juniors about the Auxiliary is one of the ways we can make sure our Organization will survive.


This is a program to prepare future leaders in our Organization as well as in every-day life. There are District Schools to provide an opportunity to ask question and have discussions. It is a training program to help with success in our Organization and our lives.


We are encouraged to know what is going on in our Community, State and Nation. The American Legion is active in Legislation regarding Veterans and they will occasionally ask us to lend them support on a certain bill by contacting our Representatives. But it is still important that you know what legislation is being offered and passed in our own communities.


The life blood of any organization is membership. Without members, nothing is going to get done. Our Organization is founded on the Veteran and his family. We enroll wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, granddaughters, great granddaughters, and grandmothers; and women Veterans. The dates of eligibility are set by Congress. Women may keep their membership after the death or divorce of their spouse as long as they have continuous membership.


This program deals with the security of our Nation, our Community and our personal lives. It concerns natural disasters, crime, fire prevention and also doing what we can to help the Military Personnel.


This committee is comprised of the Past Presidents of the Unit, with one serving as Chairman. Its prime object of concern is the ex-service women of our Community, as well as an interest in Nurses Scholarships. They recommend a Unit Member of Year for someone who has done an “over and above” job in Unit programs or its operation.


The Poppy program was one of the first Community involvement programs of the Auxiliary. Veterans in the VA Hospital make the Poppies, and receive an amount for each Poppy. The Auxiliary then distributes (not sells) them to the community for a donation. The money is then funded back to the Veteran in programs, supplies for the Poppies and through donations to the Veteran’s Hospital, Clinics, Domiciliaries, and other facilities helping Veterans. Also, these funds can help the individual Veteran and his family.


Getting our information to the Public is one of the main concerns of our Organization. We can only do a better job, if the Public knows what we are doing and how we are
doing it. We use media attention, posters and of course word of mouth.


This program deals directly to the health and welfare of the Veteran and his family. We donate directly to all the VA Hospitals and other facilities that are concerned with the Veteran’s health. We get involved with Nursing Homes that have Veterans as patients. We make Lap Robes and other articles that are used in the hospitals and we donate articles for their comfort and well-being. We have volunteers that work in the Hospitals, also volunteers work directly with the Veteran in their Community (Field Service) and volunteers that make things for the Veteran, help with the families in their own homes etc. (Home Service)