
Veterans Memorial Post 347


Commander - Dave Musser


Beginning in February all Post Officer positions will be open for nominations. Nominations and elections are done in accordance with Post 347 Constitution and By-Laws.  At the general membership meeting, nominations will be taken from the floor as well as the reading of names that have already turned in self-nomination forms.  

We are in the mist of welcoming our seasonal members.  Therefore, entry into the Post on Tuesday’s will be open to  Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and Son’s of the American Legion of ANY Post and those foreign military members authorized by our Constitution and Bylaws.  However, only members of Post 347 are eligible to play the Queen of Hearts.

* For Bar Bingo (Wed/Sun) and Trivia on Thursday, attendance is limited to Member and 1 Guest.  If attendance is low, the lounge manager on duty has the option of allowing more than one guest.  This will be in  effect until further notice.  Please watch the website for  updated information regarding entry into the Post. 

* The Thursday Bingo in the Hall is open to the public from 8 am – 3 pm.   

February is the month we celebrate relationships, friends,family and especially those that cannot be with their loved ones.  Take this opportunity to show your appreciation and  support to a fellow veteran by offering to bring them to the Post, take them to lunch, for coffee, or even to an appointment.

Dates to mark your calendar include:

>Pancake Breakfast - Feb. 8th

>SAL Valentine Dance/Dinner – Feb 8th

>Super Bowl Party – Feb 9th

>Charter Research Lunch and Learn (Dementia Q & A) – Feb 14th,

>Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration – Feb. 17th

>Tickets are also on sale for Purse Bingo which will be held March 8th.  More information available on line or at the post.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of the Blackhawk crew and the American Airlines passengers and crew that perished on Jan 29th.   

Please join me in wishing a “Happy Birthday” to those celebrating during the month of February. 

Aim High and Keep up the Mach


Legion family and friends as we wind down another awesome year at American Legion Post 347, I want to thank everyone for their continued support of our Veteran and community programs.  Your patronage not only helps with that but is helping with expenses incurred with building a female  veteran’s transition home, food for the homeless and less fortunate members of our community and hurricane relief efforts throughout Florida.

We have increased our kitchen capacity by adding a new double convection oven, two new ranges with double ovens and repairing three of our five deep fryers which we anticipate replacing next year.  The air Conditioning systems were updated with newer technology to help prevent shutdowns and additional maintenance calls.  None of this is possible without your support.

Over a hundred people attended the Veteran’s Day ceremony this year.  I want to thank Tina     (1st Vice) for spearheading a program to get    pictures of OUR veterans, then and now, to display as part of the presentation. Thank you to Rob (lounge manager) for helping with importing and displaying the photos.

Thanksgiving was once again an enormous     success with Harriett (kitchen manager) ordering, cooking, and organizing a wonderful staff of     volunteers to put out a feast for over 260         attendees in just over an hour.  If you missed  either of these events, put them on your must-do list for next year.

There are still a few events left on the agenda you can help support:

· New Years Eve tickets are on sale in the lounge - $25/person.  See Rob or Ruth in the lounge for tickets.

· Army/Navy Game - Saturday December 14th, pm.  Drink specials during the game and FREE fried bologna sandwiches at half time.

· Wreaths Across America – Saturday        December 14, noon at the Lady Lake      Cemetery and Bushnell starting at 10am.

After the Queen of Hearts drawing on  December 17, you must have a 2025   membership card to play for the drawing on January 7, 2025.  There is no Queen of Hearts on Christmas or New Years Eve.

As we get ready to move into the New Year, please be mindful that it is one way traffic in front of the post. Please follow the arrows and signage for all our safety.  Log onto the Post website,    florida-legion.org for all the updated information and to see volunteer opportunities available.

Please join me in wishing a Happy Birthday to those celebrating in December.  Stay safe and healthy this holiday season and remember those not able to be with their loved ones


Legion family and friends as we wind down another awesome year at American Legion Post 347, I want to thank everyone for their continued support of our Veteran and community programs.  Your patronage not only helps with that but is helping with expenses incurred with building a female veteran’s transition home, food for the homeless and less fortunate members of our community and hurricane relief efforts throughout Florida.

We have increased our kitchen capacity by adding a new double convection oven, two new ranges with double ovens and repairing three of our five deep fryers which we anticipate replacing next year.  The air Conditioning systems were updated with newer technology to help prevent shutdowns and additional maintenance calls.  None of this is possible without your support.

Over a hundred people attended the Veteran’s Day ceremony this year.  I want to thank Tina (1st Vice) for spearheading a program to get pictures of OUR veterans, then and now, to display as part of the presentation. Thank you to Rob (lounge manager) for helping with importing and displaying the photos.

Thanksgiving was once again an enormous success with Harriett (kitchen manager) ordering, cooking, and organizing a wonderful staff of volunteers to put out a feast for over 260 attendees in just over an hour.  If you missed either of these events, put them on your must-do list for next year.

There are still a few events left on the agenda you can help support:

As we get ready to move into the New Year, please be mindful that it is one way traffic in front of the post. Please follow the arrows and signage for all our safety.  Log onto the Post website, florida-legion.org for all the updated information and to see volunteer opportunities available.

Please join me in wishing a Happy Birthday to those celebrating in December.  Stay safe and healthy this holiday season and remember those not able to be with their loved ones.

Aim High and Keep Up the Mach !!

December 2024

NOVEMBER 5TH – ELECTION DAY.  It is not only a right it is your obligation to vote.

As we move into the Fall months, I would like to welcome back our part-time residents from throughout the country.  I am sure everyone has seen the devastation created by 2 hurricanes in less than 2 weeks.  There is an immediate and continuing need for cleaning supplies and non-perishable food throughout the Florida Legion communities.  The devastation has caused several posts to close their doors and not reopen.

Our organization is about helping not only veterans, but our communities as well.  By helping rebuild those Legions displaced, we are helping them and their communities get back on their feet.  There are numerous ways to help them rebuild; donate to Post 347 with a designation for Hurricane Helene and Milton relief, donate to the Department of Florida Hurricane Relief Fund, or the National Emergency Fund for Hurricane relief at the American Legion Headquarters website.

You can donate directly to the Posts most effected by the hurricanes:  Post 138 – Tampa, Post 158 – Treasure Island, Post 273 – Maderia Beach, just to name a few closest to us.  If you would like information on other Posts impacted, please contact me. With less than 2 months to go in hurricane season, we can never let our guard down nor forget about those impacted by this season.

This is a difficult time of the year because our Post collects for local food banks daily and the Auxiliary is collecting for Thanksgiving food baskets.  If you are bringing food for a specific cause, please make sure you let the office attendant know so it can be placed in the appropriate area. 

There are a few tickets left for the Thanksgiving dinner, $20 each and Purse Bingo, $25 each.  Please see Harriett or myself for tickets. 

We are still working on our Veterans Day program that will take place on 11-11 at 11:00 a.m. in the Post.  Please join us for the ceremony with refreshments to follow.

The Saturday All You Can Eat breakfast is in full swing.  This breakfast takes place the second Saturday on the month from 7 a.m. – 11 a.m.  $8.00 AYCE!!!!!

Early Bird renewals end on November 11th.  You can save $10 by renewing at the post.

Please stay safe and join me in wishing a “Happy Birthday” to those celebrating during the month of November.

Aim High and Keep Up The Mach!


Hello Fall!  I am ready for a little bit of a cool down, what about you?  By the time you read this newsletter, I will have just returned from the American Legion National Convention in New Orleans, LA.  An estimated 5,000 plus fellow legionnaires from all over the world were in attendance.  It was refreshing to see so many people there to support the Four Pillars of the American Legion.

A big take away from this meeting was information learned regarding “FIX THE VA FUNDING SHORTFALL.” It is imperative for ALL legion family members alike to visit www.legion.org/action and sign into: Fix the VA Funding Shortfall.  By YOU taking action, a message will be sent to our congressional leaders. This measure will help to ensure veterans’ pensions and benefits will continue for the remaining months of the fiscal year.  If no action is taken, benefits may not be fully funded next year.

In a call to action: The American Legion is not about sitting in the lounge drinking or playing the Queen of Hearts.  We are here to fight for rights of all veterans and family members who so bravely sacrificed for our country.  Please join me in this endeavor.

Many of you are aware of the continuing education programs offered at the post.  Most of the programs provide a “free” lunch along with the program.  These programs are geared to provide important health and welfare information to assist you in making informed decisions regarding aging, finances etc.

Seminars for September include:

**these programs are informational only and
not endorsed by Post 347 or The American Legion**

More information about these and other programs can be found on our website: florida-legion.org, on Post monitors, and on Tuesday evenings in the main lobby 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Please stay safe and join me in wishing a “Happy Birthday” to those celebrating during the month of September.

Aim High and Keep Up The Mach!

September, 2024