Chapter Events
The The American Legion Riders Chapter #347 hosts or participates in various social and riding events during the year. Members have a chance to gather and enjoy fellowship and commaraderie, exchange riding stories and practices, meet new Riders from Chapters statewide and come together to raise funds for our Chapter's chartitable objectives. Proceeds raised from our events support multiple local and statewide programs and organizations, as well as individual veterans and their families in need.
We Ride and Work For the Cause ----- Not the Applause!
Monthly Chapter Kitchen Day
Monthly Chapter Group Rides
Check EVENTS Calendar for ride details and/or confirmation.
Villages Honor Flight Escorts
ALR Riders join with Villages Nomads Club to escort returning Honor Flight attendees when buses arrive; Riders meet at either Post 347 or the Colony Cottage Recreation Center on Route 466A/Morse Blvd and proceed to the Fruitland Park Walmart for rendezvous with Law Enforcement escorts and buses for the trip to Post 347 and return ceremony. Times are announced via group email prior to Honor Flight arrival at Orlando International Airport.
Flag Placement/Removal @ Florida Nat'l Cemetary - Bushnell
ALR 347 members participate in Flag placement and removal activities at Bushnell Veteran's Cemetary thorughout the year as needed and on major holidays. Riders normally meet at Post 347 for a group ride to Bushnell in the morning, then join together for lunch prior to returning home. Check the ALR Calendar for these events throughout the year.
Veteran Funeral Honor Escort
On request, and based on available members and resources, ALR 347 members are often requested for, and tasked, as funeral escorts for veterans who have passed and are being interred in the local area (Marion, Lake, Sumter Counties, including Bushnell National Cemetary). These events may, given sufficient lead time, appear on the ALR Calendar, but are usually initiated via email or Facebook.