S.A.L. Commander - Danny Roe
Wow, I can’t believe it is already February. Doug White, our 1st Vice Commander, continues to work hard on our membership. He reports we have 1014 renewed, new and transferred members towards our baseline of 1061. This is 95.6% of our membership goal. I am looking forward to passing 100% this month and continuing to increase our membership.
Very Important: Remember if you have not renewed your membership yet, you are delinquent and will not be admitted into the building until you renew your membership. Just return the mailing you should have just received or stop by the office M-F 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to get your membership re-instated.
Our Valentines Dance on Saturday, February 8th is fast approaching. Tickets are still available on Tuesday February 4th in the lobby and in the office. Stop in and get yours for a Great time and Great food. Entertainment by Jersey Frank and a Ham Dinner.
Tickets are $25 PP, also featuring a Lottery Board and Door Prizes.
Also, Very Important Date Change Children and Youth Family Golf Tournament
Changed from May 10th to May 17th
Due to schedule conflict
Broad Stripes CC, Goes on sale Feb 4th (Lobby) and office after that.
(Patriotic Quilt and Golf Club raffles) $95 PP (See Web Site)
In closing, we will be starting our election process as the Nominating Committee will be announced this month at our Membership Meeting on Wednesday Feb 19th at 6:00 PM in the Hall. I encourage members to get involved and run for an office. More info on that to come.
Please be safe as our seasonal residents have returned and crowds and traffic have increased.
First, I hope everyone’s Holiday Celebrations were Great. My wife and I had a Great Holiday season and now it is time to get back to work doing what we do.
A Special Thanks to all those who came in to move kitchen furniture and utensils out /in the kitchen so the new stove and gas piping could be installed. It was very short notice and you stepped up and showed up like the great volunteers you are.
As we enter January our membership continues to increase. Doug White, our 1st Vice Commander, reports we have 901 members towards our baseline of 1061. This is 84.9% of our membership goal.
Thanks to the Legion Auxiliary unit 347 for their hard work in hosting our Legion Family Early Bird Dinner again this year. They always do a Fantastic Job, and this year was no exception.
Very Important: Remember if you have not renewed your membership yet, you are delinquent and will not be admitted into the building until you renew your membership.
We had our Culvers Dine to Donate on Thursday November 14th. Ten percent of the proceeds were donated to Florida Children and Youth Programs. A big thank you to Culvers and those who supported this cause. Total money raised was $837.21.
We held our annual Wreaths Across America, that honors deceased veterans all over this great country. Our ceremony was at Lady Lake Cemetery on Saturday, December 14th. It was put on by our whole Legion Family and was an honor for me to emcee. Our speaker was Lady Lake Mayor Ed Freeman, and he spoke emphasizing that we are gathered today not to mourn for the veterans, but to celebrate their lives and remember what they sacrificed while serving our country. All the volunteers then placed wreaths on each of the 136 veteran headstones, saluted the veteran and thanked them for their service.
In closing, please be careful as we get more crowded with the seasonal residents back. Let us be patient and arrive safely.
Save the dates
Valentine’s Party Saturday, February 8thEntertainment Jersey Frank Ham Dinner, see posted flyer for details (Tickets on sale Tuesday January 7th at Queen of Hearts and office after) $25 PP (Proceeds go to Special Olympics)
Children and Youth Family Golf TournamentMay 10th, 2025, Broad Stripes CC, on sale Feb 1st 202(Patriotic Quilt and Golf Club raffles)
Be sure to check our website: florida-legion.org for the latest news and information.
First, let me wish everyone a Merry and Joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I wish everyone safe travels and wonderful memories this season.
As we enter December our membership continues to make great strides. Doug White, our 1st Vice Commander, reports we have 760 members towards our baseline of 1061. This is 71.6% of our membership goal. Thanks Doug, for your hard work and job well done. Congratulations to all our Early Birds who will enjoy a great dinner tomorrow, as of the writing of this article. Remember if you have not renewed your membership yet, you will be delinquent as of January 1st and will not be admitted into the building until you renew your membership.
We had our Culvers Dine to Donate on Thursday November 14th. Ten percent of the proceeds were donated to Florida Children and Youth Programs. We are still waiting for the final total, but we had a great turnout, and much money was raised, and fun was had by all. A big thank you to those who supported this cause. I will announce the final tally next month.
We will be traveling to Gainesville Fisher House on Tuesday, December 3rd. We will give them a check for $7000 and gifts for the veterans in the hospital. This is always a great trip with much enjoyment meeting with the staff that are so dedicated to our veterans.
We are also looking forward to our annual Wreaths Across America, that honors deceased veterans all over this great country. Our ceremony will be at Lady Lake Cemetery on Saturday, December 14th beginning at noon. It is a short ceremony, put on by our whole Legion Family, and is well worth your time to attend. Our speaker will be Lady Lake Mayor Ed Freeman. Come join us if you can.
In closing, please be careful as we get more crowded with the seasonal residents back. Let us be patient and arrive safely.
Save the date: Valentine’s Party Saturday, February 8th
Entertainment Jersey Frank
(Tickets on sale early to mid January)
Children and Youth Family Golf Tournament
May 10th, 2025, Broad Stripes CC, on sale Feb 1st 2025
(Foursomes on sale Feb 1st
Be sure to check our website: Florida-Legion.org for the latest news and information.
December 2024
First, I hope you made it through the storms okay. I know that many in our State did not, and I assure you that my thoughts and prayers are with you. My wife and I were very fortunate as we withstood the high winds and rain with no major damage. I can only imagine what many are going through as they begin to rebuild yet again. May comfort and blessings be with all those affected through this tough time.
As we enter November our membership is moving along well. Doug White, our 1st Vice Commander, reports we have 467 members renewed towards our baseline of 1061 members. This is 44.02% of our membership goal. Thanks Doug, for your hard work and job well done. Our Early Bird membership drive runs July 1st – November 11th, Veterans Day. Remember that early bird qualifies you for our membership celebration dinner that will be announced later.
Our Halloween Party was just held on Saturday, October 26th. It was a fantastic success with 155 people attending and enjoying a dinner of Chicken Cordon Bleu, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans. Thanks to all the Volunteers who made this party such a success. Thanks to Bud Boyer, our 2nd Vice Commander, for a job well done organizing the party. The entertainment by the Del Phis was top notch, and all in attendance had a great time. Congrats to Barbara Silvestri on winning the costume contest as the “naughty nun”. All proceeds go to the Gainesville Fisher House.
At the same time, “A Not Too Scary Halloween Event” was held at the Lady Lake Little League Ball grounds and thanks to Tony Watkins and his crew and Walmart people who volunteered to hand out candy and run games for the local children. Fun was had by all and there was a great turnout. All candy for this event and the Halloween Party were donated by Walmart. (3000+ pieces of candy)
Don’t forget we are having a “Dine to Donate” At Culvers on 466A, from 4 to 8 PM on Thursday November 14th. Ten percent of the proceeds will be donated to Florida Children and Youth Programs. Stop by and enjoy a great meal and support our charities.
Wreaths Across America is coming up on December 14th at Lady Lake Cemetery at noon. Please plan on joining us to honor our deceased veterans on that day.
Be sure to check our website: Florida-Legion.org for the latest news and information.
As we enter September our membership is moving along well. Doug White, our 1st Vice Commander, reports we have 256 members renewed towards our baseline of 1061 members. This is 24.1% of our membership goal. Thanks Doug, for your hard work and job well done. Our Early Bird membership drive runs July 1st – November 11th, Veterans Day. I challenge you to be among the first to get your 2025 card. Remember that early bird qualifies you for our membership celebration dinner that will be announced later.
Our goal is to raise money so we can give it away to our charities and support veterans programs. I invite you to be a part of the process by attending our membership meetings the third Wednesday of every month, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Hall. You have a voice in who we support. Please come and be heard.
Thanks to all our officers, kitchen leaders and volunteers. All those who volunteer in other ways. “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Without you, none of this would be possible. As Commander, I consider myself blessed and very fortunate to have people like we have in the SONs that are willing to put forth the effort. A special thanks to all the wives that come out and help in the kitchen and help to put on our parties.” That was a quote from last month but thank you cannot be said enough.
Our Halloween Party on Saturday, October 26th is fast approaching. The entertainment will be the Del Phis. Tickets will be on sale: October 1st in the lobby and office after that for
$20 pp. Dinner will be Chicken Cordon Bleu, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans. There will be Door Prizes and a 50/50 drawing. Please make your plans now to attend. It will be a fun night and all proceeds go to the Gainesville Fisher House.
Save the date: Valentine’s Party Saturday, February 8th
Entertainment Jersey Frank
Children and Youth Family Golf Tournament
May 10th, 2025, Broad Stripes CC, on sale early 2025
Be sure to check our website: Florida-Legion.org for the latest news and information.